Concerto 13

premiere, 2006, Théâtre Tournesol

This performance is inspired from two of the most famous and influential novels of the world. The first is “Don Quixote” by Cervantes and the second “1984” by George Orwell. It discusses the situation of those people who dreamt, fought, and tried to change society but were always blocked by dictatorship regimes and governments.



Choreographed and directed by Omar Rajeh Performed by Nadine Labaki, Omar Rajeh, Mazen Kiwan, Zei Khauli, Natasha Antonello, Emanuelle Ponthieux, Ornella Jabra, Corine Skaff, Cynthia Bakhos, Alain Saadeh, Bilal Abdallah, & Jamal Krayem Live music composed by Rami and Bachar Khalife Sound design Tarek Atoui Scenography Hassan Sadek Light design Fadi Yeni Turk

A production  of Omar Rajeh | Maqamat & Beiteddine Art Festivals


Concerto 13 second movement


Mental Masturbation